Who is she?

August 25, 2020

Who is she? (Referring to the 'Her' in installHer)

She is quite simply Alexa! My wife and I started this business, because we have developed quite the relationship with "Her". LOL

We purchased two of the First generation Alexas (Amazon Echo's). Thinking we could try this wonderful new piece of technology out, I started with a few plug-in modules and a first generation Wink Hub. The system was not exactly what I would call plug and play. I spent a number of hours trying to get things working. I followed directions, searched on line, broke down and called tech support, but had to wait for business hours. It ultimately came down to just figuring it out and eventually making it all work together. We discovered Alexa had all kinds of uses; the timer feature was and probably still is the number one use.

At first she would respond well to my requests, but inherently my wife would end up having difficulty. So, at first it seemed that Alexa liked me more. As time progressed though, it became more natural to talk to Alexa where she understood us better over time. Yes, there are still are those occasions when you wonder is she listening at all. It is technology after all. There are some really awesome benefits to having a smart speaker home automation system.

Here are some of the things I have setup in my home and for others.

Lights - Most every room has a smart switch for the over-head light(s) and a smart switch for the ceiling fan.

Lamps - Most of the stand alone lamps are also controlled through home automation.

Color lighting - A little color with the Phillps Hue lighting works great in lamps or as accent lighting using the Hue LED Light strips.

Outdoor lighting - I've set up the Landscaping Up lights and Lantern lighting on smart switches. (Makes it easy to set these to come on with a timer or by other trigger actions)

Thermostats - It's really nice to be able to control each thermostat from anywhere in the house or even when away. (You can set a schedule to fit you)

Sprinkler system - yes you can even set your sprinkler system up so that you can get Alexa to water a particular zone or water the whole yard if desired.

Ring Cameras - Alexa can display your Ring Camera Feed and an Echo Show. You can even answer the door through Alexa.

Garage Door - It is really nice to be able to remotely open the garage door.

TV's - Even Smart TV's can work with Alexa

Sono's Speakers - Yes the newer Sonos speakers have Alexa built in too!

Routines - These are awesome, with a few clicks you can set up some automation to have Alexa follow when you ask her to. (i.e. "Alexa, Good night" then she turns off all the lights and sets the thermostat to a certain temperature.

Sensors - You can setup water sensors to monitor for water leaks.

What would you like her to do for you?

We would love to help you get started with your very own "Alexa!"

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